Sunday, January 30, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Picking myself UP

On December 20th, 2010, I lost one of the most important, influential, loving people in my life. My wonderful Father, James "Rudy" Muckelvene.

If you followed my old blog, you know his Story.

That day was truly THE HARDEST DAY OF MY LIFE and I can only imagine a couple other instances that will be equally devastating (and each deals with the loss of someone special to me). I felt empty, lost, hallow, unmotivated, pitiful, depressed and unwilling to make any moves... For a month straight, I slept most of the days away. Being pregnant only gave me an extra excuse as to why I was so tired.

As the days went on, I asked my Dad to nudge me somehow, to push me to get it together, to send me a sign that everything would be ok.

Eventually, the sun began to shine through my blinds and no matter where I would move on my bed, the sun would follow me. Tossing and turning didn't help either because the sun would find some way to reflect off of something in my room and bounce right back into my eyes. I finally gave in and took it as the sun began to stalk me as I often stalked the sun as a sign from my Dad telling me to GET UP.

& GET UP I did.... It's only been a week or so that I've been motivated to get back to work, but I'm getting there and I'm getting back.

And, as you know, my parents came to stay with us after my father was released from the hospital and after losing him, I would have it no other way other than my mom remaining here. She is taking things day by day and getting stronger and stronger. Although it is written all over her face how much she misses him.

Her grandchildren are a great help to her. They make her smile and take her mind off of things whenever possible.

Today, I picked up my camera and began to shoot. And what a splendid, beautiful day it was! It SNOWED :) The kids convinced my mom to join them outside and build a "snow family". They built a snow person for everyone who lives here. My husband, Me, Kailynn-James (little bittle/ru-ru), Little Kardan (boopity), My mom (Amma) and My dad (Genanna).


my mom


my dad (they gave him white arms for angel wings and a halo which is a prostate cancer awareness bracelet)

Kailynn-James (little bittle/ru-ru)

My husband

Little Kardan (boopity)

ingredients for pizzas



hot chocolate with rainbow marshmallows

Kailynn-James after drinking her hot chocolate

Tuesday, January 25, 2011